inquirer - simple list and quit command

Git Repository

Install libraries
npm install inquirer
npm install typescript

List and Quit commands
import * as inquirer from "inquirer"

// Object.values(Commands) will become [List, Quit, 1, 2] without specifying string value
enum Commands {
    List = "List",
    Quit = "Quit"

    type: "list",
    name: "command",
    message: "Choose option",
    choices: Object.values(Commands)
}).then(answers => {
    switch (answers["command"]) {
        case Commands.List:
            console.log("Select List")
        case Commands.Quit:
            console.log("Select Quit")
            console.log("Missing " + answers["command"])



別名演算法 Alias Method

 題目 每個伺服器支援不同的 TPM (transaction per minute) 當 request 來的時候, 系統需要馬上根據 TPM 的能力隨機找到一個適合的 server. 雖然稱為 "隨機", 但還是需要有 TPM 作為權重. 解法 別名演算法...