Spring Data Reactive Cassandra CRUD

 Git branch

Cassandra commands
sudo docker run --name test-cassandra -p 9042:9042 -d cassandra:latest
sudo docker run --name test-cassandra-2 --link test-cassandra:cassandra -d cassandra:latest

docker exec -it test-cassandra /bin/bash

cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' : 3 } AND DURABLE_WRITES = false;

cqlsh> use test;

cqlsh:test> CREATE TABLE person ( id text PRIMARY KEY, name text );

public class Person {

    @PrimaryKey private String id;
    private String name;


public interface ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCassandraRepository<Person, String> {}

public class ReactivePersonService {

    private ReactivePersonRepository reactivePersonRepository;

    public Mono<Person> save(Person person) {
        return reactivePersonRepository.save(person);

    public Mono<Person> findById(String id) {
        return reactivePersonRepository.findById(id);

    public Flux<Person> findAll() {
        return reactivePersonRepository.findAll();

    public Mono<Void> deleteById(String id) {
        return reactivePersonRepository.deleteById(id);

    public Mono<Void> deleteAll() {
        return reactivePersonRepository.deleteAll();


public class ReactivePersonController {

    private ReactivePersonService reactivePersonService;

    @PostMapping(value = "/person", consumes = "application/json")
    public Mono<Person> createPerson(@RequestBody Person person) {
        System.out.println("create person" + person);
        return reactivePersonService.save(person);

    @GetMapping(value = "/person")
    public Mono<Person> getPerson(@RequestParam String id) {
        return reactivePersonService.findById(id);

    @GetMapping(value = "/persons")
    public Flux<Person> getAllPersons() {
        return reactivePersonService.findAll();

    public Mono<Void> deletePerson(@PathVariable String id) {
        return reactivePersonService.deleteById(id);

    public Mono<Void> deleteAll() {
        return reactivePersonService.deleteAll();



別名演算法 Alias Method

 題目 每個伺服器支援不同的 TPM (transaction per minute) 當 request 來的時候, 系統需要馬上根據 TPM 的能力隨機找到一個適合的 server. 雖然稱為 "隨機", 但還是需要有 TPM 作為權重. 解法 別名演算法...